Thursday, April 01, 2010

Just Joking Around

How many of you got pranked today in honor of the big holiday -April Fool's Day? How many of you pulled off a great April Fool's Day joke on someone?

I used to try to figure out things to do for April Fool's Day stunts and such, but for some reason or other -maybe I was just finally reaching maturity or something like that -I've had no impetus whatsoever for probably about 10 years -at least -to do anything like that.

So if I tell you here that I'm looking into Relacore you're liable to think I'm going back to my second childhood or something. But really, I'm not.

Although, there is a part of me that sometimes does long for the days when my friends -co-workers, mainly -and I used to labor long and hard to figure out a great plan to put into play to prank someone on April Fool's Day.

Today though -I think I'll walk Sammy! And that's no joke either!

3 comments: said...

Hi Jeni!Hey...I think if you want to try Relacore.....God Bless You!! As long as you do it with your dr's blessing. After all: God helped someone create it, right??

Thank you for your sweet post on my blog. I haven't been traveling to blogs of late....busy with mom and in my studio...but just wanted to let you know I miss stopping by here!!!

terri said...

I got pranked today... BIG TIME... by one of my very favorite bloggers. Check this out:

Travis Cody said...

No pranks for us...everyone was way too busy with quarter end business stuff. That's just fine with me, as I'm not a prankster and I don't really tolerate them very well when played on me.