Life in this house gives me a deeper appreciation at times for the "little" things. By that, I am referring mainly to Maya and Kurtis and their words, their antics. Even when some of Maya's antics don't produce exactly desireable results -like her hair cutting, self-administered about a week ago. Thankfully, Mandy's trim of her chopping along with a trip to the hairdresser to even things out a bit more did end up with a really cute hair style for her. Although at the time, I know Mandy wasn't so sure things would end up that great for all concerned.
This past Sunday -after church, back home again -Maya started whining, wanting a drink (nothing specified at the time though) so her Dad offered her a drink of water. No, no, that wasn't what she had in mind but he said that was all that was available then as the milk was low till Mandy got home from the store with another jug. That wasn't acceptable to Maya as an excuse so she still refused the water but she did start telling her Dad what she wanted instead.
Hot Chocolate! Apparently Bill wasn't in the mood to make some of that so he offered the water again. Maya kept on that she wanted hot chocolate made with ovaltine and furthermore, she wanted it to be "Burny hot too, Daddy!"
A request like that was one that Bill decided -since she was so emphatic about it -that he couldn't refuse so he heated up the water in the tea kettle and made her the requested hot chocolate!
Monday night, Maya moved back upstairs, to her own room to sleep there -again. So I'm now back to sleeping alone. Boy, it does really get chilly -make that downright cold -out in my room when you're the only one in the bed generating any heat and someone who was sleeping with you kicked off heat like a mini-furnace!
But when she went up to bed Monday night, apparently she wasn't quite ready to settle down then and there though and so, she started the standard line almost all kinds give forth when they are trying to stall the sleep process.
"I wanna drink of water!"
Mandy asked her why she felt she needed a drink of water and Maya's response to that was,
"I need it cause my eyelashes are dry."
Now, who would ever have thought of that line for a reason to need a drink of water? See, you learn something new everyday, or so they say, and when you're dealing with a five-year-old whose mind operates like Maya's does, you really do get an earful of new learning from time to time.
I'm probably going to be too busy over the next day with the cooking and baking for our dinner tomorrow to blog -or read much either for that matter. Got a big turkey to make stuffing for, roast it, cook white potatoes to mash, yams to bake too, plus make some pies, bake some bread as well. In addition to prepping some of that stuff today, I also have to cook a little larger supper tonight because the two middle stepgrand kids will be here for supper tonight, for their weekly "meal visit" with their Dad. Tomorrow, I'm the son-in-law's father, sister and the sister's two children will be here for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Guess that's gonna fix my getting to watch much of the parade and doubtful I'll get to see any football tomorrow either.
But my cooking and baking preparations won't be done tomorrow as on Sunday, I'll have to cook Thanksgiving Dinner all over again! The reason being my son is on the road, driving tractor trailer and won't be home till late Saturday sometime and Sunday is just a better day for all of us to get together then as the older daughter, her fiance and hopefully, her son -grandson Alex -aka "Gram's Prince" can make it here then too.
Oh well, what the heck! Two turkeys to cook in less than a four day time span -think of all the leftovers we can enjoy then! That's the big problem with this scenario for me as I AM thinking of all those leftovers and trying to think of tasty ways to use all the leftovers that will fill the refrigerator to overflowing, ya know!
Here's a couple pictures though of those two little things in my life that I love to write about. Just so you can see how sweet they look, how comical they can be at times too!

May peace and blessings abound to you and yours as we all give thanks for all the bounty in our lives today -and always.
Happy Turkey-Eating Day to you and your family. I'm thankful for all the blogger friends I've made over the past couple of years. You are one of them!
What cute kids!! I love those pics. You have alot of cookin to do. Wow!
Have a great holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
Love the photos
Dry eyelashes! That's the first time I've heard that one!
You are going to have a crazy busy weekend. I hope you enjoy all the celebrating and family and don't work TOO hard! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Jenn. Lovely pics of the grandkids. Cutting their own hair must be something all kid do. My sis and I did it too. Dry eyelashes is a new one to me. :)
Happy Thanksgiving Jeni. Rest up!
Debo Blue
Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy it with the family.
The children look lovely. I like Maya's coat too.
What a beautiful post. I know you will be busy cooking and preparing again on Sunday and I hope you had a wonderful day today.
The kids are precious. I'm sure that they will continue to love books and reading. It's a great way to escape the world.
Take care, my friend and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Happy Turkey Day and I hope you're taking time from all the kitchen work to enjoy the family time!
Sandy L.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
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