Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Bonus Day

The other night when Carrie and her fiance, Robert, were up here for supper, they mentioned a job that they had contracted to do for some young woman over at the University. This lady, it seems, is moving out of her apartment and in order to get her deposit back, the apartment of course, has to be all cleaned out and spiffy. She offered a decent amount to Carrie and Robert to haul everything she wasn't taking with her out and to dispose of the stuff and then, after that, to give the apartment a really good scrubbing down.

Carrie offered a share of the money if she wanted to come over today and help them so this morning, Mandy was up bright and early, almost at the crack of dawn, to meet them at 7:00 a.m. and get started.

Around 9:30, Mandy called me to let me know how things were going and to tell me of some of the stuff she was bringing home with her that the lady was going to just toss into the garbage.

First, a nice tv set -about 3-years-old and same size as the one we had in the living room. This set will go in the living room here, the one in the living room will go back up to Mandy and Bill's bedroom and the one in their bedroom now will go over to Kate's room, so that's a nice win-win situation for everyone. There will also be a new twin bed for me, for my room as the mattress and box springs I currently isn't quite as firm as I prefer and Mandy says this set is a good set and very nice and firm. Ok, I'm fine with that too.

She's also bringing home more pots and pans -stuff like that, which we definitely DON'T need -don't have room for a bunch more kitchen stuff, but what the heck, she can use it to put out when she has a yard sale some weekend now in August.

But there is one other thing she is bringing up and it's a new computer desk -still in the box, never been put together and set up. Now that would be nice to get a new computer desk as this one is a bit too clunky, too big really too for the corner where we have it in the living room. And that it is brand-spanking new too is really great, don't you think. Now, if it were a desk from this type of office furniture, I would be downright ecstatic. However, if that were the case, we would also definitely have to build an extra room -and a large one at that -on to be able to fit it in here.

Oh well, I could live with that idea too, as long as we have hit the lottery to be able to afford the addition it would really be a huge bonus day then, wouldn't it?

Yeah, dream on!


Sandee said...

How wonderful. What a haul too. Good for all of you. Have a great day. :)

Travis Cody said...

That sounds like quite the haul.

Anonymous said...

You guys REALLY lucked out! It amazes me what people are willing to just throw away.