Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just one from Maya!

Since my daughter and grandkids (Maya and Kurtis) moved a year ago this past July down to Middletown, PA, I am not privy to a lot of the funny doings with the grandkids as I was when they were living here with me.

But every now and then, something happens that one of the kids has done or said and I get a big kick out of these various comments.

Last week, I was talking on the phone with Maya and I asked her what she wanted for her birthday -which will be this coming Saturday now -the 18th.

Her initial response was "Well, I need markers, but Daddy is getting me them." Okay -I thought, so that rules out Gram getting that for a gift for her. I tried to prod her a little for more of a response as to what she wanted and cracked up when she told me this -"Money, Gram. Just money!"

Wow! Eleven years old and her wants are pretty straight forward -markers and money!

Sad to say kiddo, but money isn't something Gram has in abundance so she had to settle for some shopping I did at J.C. Penney's where I found a very pretty dress in her size and for a bargain basement price, along with a pair of stretch pants and a matching shirt and of course, since I'm the Avon Lady, there was also a little birthstone necklace included too for her!

Money? Well as my older daughter said a long time ago about buying stuff with a credit card, it's like money but well, not really! True enough and my Penney's card is witness to that, for sure!

Without it, there would be nothing under the tree at Christmas and nothing to be able to purchase some nice birthday gifts then too!

Buy now, pay later isn't the best way to operate but sometimes, especially with grandkids, it works wonders!

1 comment:

Suldog said...

Sometimes, you have to use whatever means are at your disposal. I survived via Sears card for a while many many years ago.