Thursday, October 16, 2014

A New Law?

Ever notice how you can see something and wonder what the heck it is that whoever is writing is actually writing about?  Something that just sort of grabs your curiosity and won't let go until you check into it and see what it is they are actually writing about?

I did that last night when I saw something that mentioned something referred to as EGH Law and I had to find out what the heck kind of law this really was!

Well, imagine my surprise when I realized it was not a new law of any kind at all but rather just the initials of the partners in this doggone law firm!

Well, okay -that does make sense, of course. But it just is one of those things that caught my eye and gave way to my wondering if this was perhaps some new specific area of legal concern, ya see!

But anyway -I put this under the header of "learning something new every day" now!

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