Monday, October 24, 2011

Helping Hand

A little over a month ago, a young lady and her husband -both are friends of mine and Mandy's -had her fourth child. They had three little boys -ages about 7, 5 and not quite 2 and now, this beautiful little girl! She had posted on Facebook about two weeks ago that she was looking for a stroller that would hold two little ones -used, in decent enough condition and at a reasonable price.

I mentioned this to Mandy referencing a dual-type stroller that Carrie had brought up here and put out at our yard sale this summer that maybe our friend would be interested in that piece of equipment. So Mandy contacted her and a couple days later, Bets and her husband -along with the two younger kids -came down and checked the stroller out and when they left here, the stroller went with them!

It's not a Bob stroller but it is very similar in design and though it is used, it is in very good condition. Needless to say, they were very happy with this piece and Mandy and I were also very pleased to have found a new home for it -one where it will get put to lots and lots of good usage too and make Bets' life a whole lot easier to manage going different places with a little baby and a toddler in tow!

Makes me feel good -really good -to be able to help someone out like that!

And the best part of the whole deal was that we both got to see the new baby as well as their youngest little guy -and THAT really made my day and Mandy's too!

1 comment:

terri said...

Those double strollers are expensive! I'm sure your friend was very grateful to take the used one off your hands.