Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It's been another loooonnnnggg day today -long in the need of those darned earplugs! Right at the immediate moment, as I am typing this, the cat is finally quiet. But I'm quite sure it won't be for very long. Over the past three days now, we have been treated to some of the most god-aweful, painful sounding crying on the part of this poor cat, it's almost enough to get me convinced to open the door and let her out to go slutting around. But then, wiser parts of me come forward and remind me of the consequences I'd have to deal with if I did such actions.

NO! I DO NOT NEED KITTENS! So, little Jorge, for the time being, your just going to have to adapt, get used to being inside ALL the time. Besides, I don't want the cats -either one -left outside as there's just too much risk involved in other aspects then -like cars and cats splattered on the road. Just for openers.

While looking through some of the photo folders I have on the computer, I came across one tonight that I wasn't aware existed. (Having two digital cameras in the house now, occasionally Kate downloads some of her photos into my folders but doesn't always tell me about it.) Anyway, this happens to be a video she did with her camera. I haven't gotten up to trying to do anything like that as yet. This had to have been done the end of January because the two middle stepgrandkids are in it and they were all down in the basement, "jamming" it appears -or teaching Maya how to dance anyway. I just thought it was pretty cute though and decided I'd share it here.

Maya's vocabulary seems to be exploding lately. Rarely does a day go by now that she doesn't have something new added there. Frequently too, when she's heard a new word at school -or at home -she's asks us too "How you spell that?' She picks up so many things that we aren't aware she now knows that she constantly amazes us. It's a bit scary too at times because often we forget she's around and is a little parrot -those little pitchers with big ears ya know - and some of the words that get tossed about, well suffice it to say, we really do need to watch what we say now more than ever.

One thing she has added recently, and which I initially thought was really comical, was that since she imitates a lot of things Mandy says, and Mandy frequently refers to Maya as "Hon" at times, especially when she is giving her some gentle discipline or admonitions. But last night, while I was cooking supper and Maya came out to join me, watch me, talk to me, I decided I wasn't all that crazy about being called "Hun" every time I turned around. Especially when I was trying to convince her that she should go start picking up her toys she had scattered all over the living room floor and she told me "No, no. I can't do that now, Hon." The it was "What are you making, Hon?" "Mac'n'cheese" I told her - the extra meal for her and Kurtis since I knew she wouldn't touch the day-late St. Patrick's Day feast of corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatos. (That's the thing I had told Mandy about two months or so back that I never would have done that -fixing a separate entre -when she and her siblings were kids. House rules then were whatever was on the table, you ate! No ifs, ands or buts, about it.) But now, I stock up on boxes of pasta sides -rice-a-roni, mac'n'cheese, those spaghetti specialty things too, or flavored noodle offerings -so there will be something there to satisfy the little pasta craving tastebuds, ya know.)

Anyway, between her and the "hon" thing and the cat, I really needed a break after supper!

Now, some breaking news here too - a few minutes ago, I heard a car coming down the road, could see the headlights but it seemed to have stopped someplace so I went to the front door to open it and see what the heck was happening. Apparently it was someone waiting on the road to pick up our neighbor a couple doors up the street to go to work. While I was doing that, I didn't notice until it was way too late but the slut cat here was by my feet and managed to push the storm door ajar a bit more and out and away she went! If we're lucky - which somehow I doubt we will be, as that would really be pushing our luck, she'll return without having found some lovely Tomcat someplace. Dang, it all anyway.

Stay tuned -maybe we'll be having more extensions -not of words, but of little furballs to the house in the near future. Hope I'm just counting my kittens before they form though.


Dianne said...

You Guys Rock!

Mahala said...

My trashy, big-booged cousin with the lazy eye's little girl does the "hon" thing. Drives me wonky-taters.

Linda said...

Well, hon, I gotta tell you - that would drive me nuts, too!!!

Anonymous said...

Not meaning to be too rude here, but it kind of ads new meaning to the term Hot Pu$$y don't it?

Be Good Now.

Later Y'all.

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

My daughter's cat a.k.a. Fluffy the Freezer Cat has an appointment for just that reason when I get back from vacation.

I hope your having a great week!


Paula said...

May you be blessed with a cat who can't find her a Tom!!

LAA and Family said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! I'm a native Pennsylvanian myself (though I've never lived there much, my Dad was in the Navy). We drive through Central PA from time to time en route to Rochester, NY, where my husband is from.

Cute video! My husband is looking into getting a Playstation game that allows the kids to play guitar and the drums! We'll be a bunch of rockers before long too!

My son's talking, between the age of 4 and 5, started with a lot of echolalia and imitating. I'm amazed how now, at the age of 9, he can draw on his "menu" of scripts to say the funniest things!

janet copenhaver said...

Ahh, bet there will be kittens in your future. Probably will have them under your bed. lol

dr sardonicus said...

Ah, spring, and love is in the air...

Smalltown RN said...

Oh's just one thing after another now isn't it....I love the video of Maya...and "Hon" how adorable ..but I guess it does get a little tiring at times....your such a good gran.....

Casdok said...

Love the video clip!!

Travis Cody said...

Good luck on the kitty front.

My poor fat old 11 year old guy is beginning to discover that he can't jump up on the arm of the couch anymore. Last night I had to help him climb over the top!

Diva's Thoughts said...

I hate cats!! YUCK! lol

That video is so darn adorable.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the "hon" thing is annoying but just think, it could be so much worse. She could be latching on to the bad words!