Saturday, May 17, 2008

Catch-up Ball

As my title above says, that is pretty much what I have been doing all this week and for much of last week too!

Just seems I can't get through reading blogs and then, trying to think of something to post, nothing seemed to come forward for me.

Not that there aren't plenty of things going on -on the world stage, nationally, even some local stuff that's caught my eye and ear, but trying to sift through this stuff and post something even remotely intelligent much less also -hopefully - interesting, just wasn't in the hand I've been dealt of late.

I mentioned I think in my last post my concerns about the teacher friend here and the issues that presents with our illustrious school board. I spoke to her again the other day and she suggested that perhaps I could write a letter to the Board or even speak before them.

I was at that time, trying to think of how to word a letter in support of her, of the drama program and not being very successful in my thought process either. The idea of speaking before the board would only work for me if I can pull the words together and have it as a written speech to use. I do NOT do ad lib, under circumstances of this nature, well at all! I would get way too emotional, lose my cool and do more potential harm then than good I'm afraid so it would have to be that I write something and have it all rehearsed, well prepared.

Right now though, I need to sit and talk to her, to get all the details straight as to what they have done, said, what she said, the union rep too so I know too then what I am "allowed" to know. Since the meeting she had was an "executive" session of the Board, it is possible that NONE of what was discussed was to be discussed further. I'm just not sure how things like that operate and the last thing I want to do is inadvertently say something that would dig a much bigger hole for her than the one already sitting there, yawning at her, just kind of waiting for someone to jump the gun, enter and screw EVERYTHING up, ya see.

I think this is probably best called a bit of a sticky wicket, isn't it?

On the home front, in other things, Mandy is yes, officially "laid off" but the reason given was that the restaurant didn't have enough hours/business to keep her on the schedule. Ok, that's nice in that it would allow her to sign up for a really paltry unemployment check and yes, even a check for $15 or $20 a week is still better than absolutely nothing. However, the whole thing basically hinges on he -the owner -doesn't want to have to deal with the amount of doctor appointments, therapist visits and such that are often necessary for Mandy to attend to with Kurtis. That, plus last month, she had requested off a Monday and Friday in the same week because she had an appointment that MOnday with the allergist in Pittsburgh and then, that Friday, I had an appointment schedule with my surgeon in Pittsburgh. As things played out, she ended up cancelling the appointment for Kurtis as she had no one to go with her and no way could she manage him, alone, for a 3 1/2 hour drive, one-way, plus waiting in the office, the visit, etc., a meal for him, for her, and trying to change him and manage to go to the bathroom herself with him in tow and then, drive back home again too -alone! She then contacted our GP doctor here and asked if they could find him an allergist a little closer to home which they did find him one in Altoona which is only an hour a way and then, I could go with her as it was during the hours Maya was in school too. That deal, plus the fact that my appointment that week was then cancelled by my doctor as he was going to be out of town so the boss wasn't too pleased about all that. Especially when she had to request two more days off, back to back (last Thursday for Kurtis and Friday for my appointment in Pittsburgh) and add to that, Saturday nite off if possible to attend the church dinner to meet the new prospective pastor for our church. Well, that, in our opinion, is the crux of the deal for removing her from the schedule.

However, since then, she did contact a former employer -a home-health care agency she had worked for in which she performed basic needs for elderly or handicapped people that would enable them to stay independent in their own homes and it seems that two of the people she had previously worked for are again in need of an aide so it looks like she will at least be able to get 12 hours a week working at that job again. And, of course, there's always the possibility of getting another client and hours then that would be flexible enough to fit with her ability to maneuver around.

The son-in-law though -well, it appears he is going to forge ahead with this partnership idea. All I can say there is I just hope and pray -for his sake, for my daughter and the grandkids -and yes, for my peace of mind too -that it all works the way he thinks it will. I just wish he had been able to do a lot more study of what is really necessary to go into business for himself before taking this big a step. That or if only he had been willing to apply for one of the two jobs, at least, that my son had called and told us about - both that paid well above what he had been earning at the shop position where he's worked for the past almost two years -or is it three years - now. So, cross your fingers, get out the rabbit's foot too, find some four-leaf clovers too while you're at it and most of all, say some heavy duty prayers that this all works out for the best for him, for the family.

And finally, before I close for tonight and go get my shower so I will have that done and won't be holding up the bathroom line-up in the morning so we can all get ready to go to church, there is some really good news in this little coal mining, mountain top community this week!

Our church got word on Friday from the pastoral candidate that she will accept our offer and WILL be coming here sometime in June to start as our new minister! And for that blessing, I am very, very happy and also, very, very grateful!

So, here's to Pastor Carrie Anderson from someplace out in the boondocks of Wisconsin, from a seminary in Iowa, as she makes her way east and moves into the parsonage belonging to our church and especially as she takes over the duties of this position to minister to the needs of our parish! Welcome, Pastor Carrie! And I pray that you find this area as beautiful, serene and peaceful as I do and the people to be as friendly, loving, hard-working and just plain good folks as I have always believed exist here too.


Keith said...

I pray a blessing over your son-in-law and his venture into a new business. I pray that things will go smoothly. I pray that God will provide a steady job for Mandy and I also pray that you Jeni, will have a peace of mind over all of these situations.

A special blessing over Pastor Carrie as she travels across the Northern Tier States to her new congregation. Bless her and your church.

Be well Jeni!

Mahala said...

Sometimes it's so complicated trying to care for a child and work and do everything else you have to do to survive these days.

Berni said...

Life can be hard sometimes and you guys seem to be having a tough time right now. Wish I could help a little. You are often in my thoughts

Linda Murphy said...

I will keep Mandy in my thoughts. It is incredibly challenging to work and care for a child with special needs. It is time-consuming and exhausting. We find that we have to work and juggle therapy appointments and my husband is reducing his schedule by one day next year so that he can help with the therapy. But it will be a hit in the pocketbook, just as our economy is going awry.

Again, I will keep Mandy and all of you in my thoughts.

Smalltown RN said...

thank you for the update on everyone....well the truth comes out sort of for Mandy and her know's times like these that I think...maybe it's a blessing in she is not missing a beat and potentially has a new job and who knows what else...maybe she was meant to move's quite the juggling act she has to perform with obligations of work and her gut tells me things will work themselves out....

As for your son in law...yes well it would be nice if he did things a bit different...but hey that is what makes him who he is...and well maybe he just needs this to kick things up a notch or two...wouldn't it be nice if things worked out as he hopes and maybe Mandy wouldn't have to worry about working a whole bunch as he could be makig enough...I wish him all the success in the world.....

I am happy for you and your church that you have found a pastor..sounds like she is a real gem.....Happy weekend to you!!

Dianne said...

I'm happy about your new pastor. You sound so excited about that!

I feel for mandy. I remember very well how it was to work and raise a child. You are all lucky to have each other - I know you all know that.

I send hugs Jeni.

Minnesotablue said...

Jeni: I think Mandy will be a terrific home health aide and maybe will get more hours. With all she has had to deal with she has the empathy needed.
As for your son in law I hope his new venture will be a success. I had my own business for a short time( I had a consignment) shop and I know it takes a lot more work than you think.
And congrats on your new pastor. She sounds wonderful.

the mother of this lot said...

Hope everything goes well for your new pastor, and she turns out to be an angel in disguise!

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

I pray that the new business venture goes smoothly. As someone married to a hard-working, self-employeed man... I can say with certainty that there will be good and bad as with anything. Be prepared to work hard.

My hubby has a saying that every day he wakes up unemployed until he gets to work!

lattégirl said...

I can't help but feel that Mandy's boss could have tried harder to work something out with her and the other employees... but I believe that one door closing is another door opening to something better - everything happens for a reason, etc etc etc. I wish her well!