Monday, September 10, 2007

The Week Ahead in Bushism Language

Here's this week's group of Bushisms for every day! Aren't we all ever so lucky!

Monday, September 10, 2007

"Governor, thank you very much. I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport." - Arlington, Virginia; October 2, 2001

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"I've coined new words, like, 'misunerstanding' and 'Hispanically.'"" - Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner; Washington, D.C.; March 29, 2001

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"I'm not a very good novelist. But it'd make a pretty interesting novel." - Austin, Texas; December 5, 2000

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"And so, in my State of the --my State of the Union --or state --my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation --I asked Americans to give four thousand years --four thousand hours over the next--the rest of your life --of service to America. That's what I asked --four thousand hours." - Bridgeport, Connecticut; April 9, 2002

Friday, September 14, 2007

"Anyway, after we go out and work our hearts out, after you go out and help us turn out the vote, after we've convinced the good Americans to vote, and while they're at it, pull that George W. lever, if I'm the one, when I put my hand on the Bible, when I put my hand on the Bible, that day when they swear us in, when I put my hand on the Bible, I will swear to not--to uphold the laws of the land." - Toledo, Ohio; October 27, 2000

Saturday and Sunday, September 15/16, 2007

"Many of the punditty--of course, not you--but other punditty were quick to say, no one is going to follow the United States of America." - Washington, D.C.; January 21, 2003

And there you have it - just a little fun -jocularity at its finest, perhaps - from the Commander at the White House, the big DUBYA! Ain't it grand?

1 comment:

Stine said...

Woo Hoo - to your day (above) - and to your president. Great to know that he really knows what he's doing. Wouldn't do to have a clueless person in such a position, would it?